Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Final Project Idea

So I have goats and a llama in my backyard so I'm thinking I could do "How to take care of goats" or something like that.  I mean, it's something that has to be done everyday and there is a lot of effort put into it. Also, I have a family member that doesn't do a very good job when it's his turn to do animal care so it could be a lesson for him. 

Things I could take pictures of
  • Getting "goat clothes" on
  • Doing clean up
  • Doing the water
  • Feeding them
  • If we have to get hay but I assume we won't in this time
  • Emptying the waste bucket
  • Interacting with the animals
  • If the goats get out - doesn't happen so much anymore
  • If a tree falls on the fence again
  • Locking up
  • Coming in and taking off goat clothes
No sample pictures yet

Project 5